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posted February 10, 2006

Where the "cookie money" went in 2005:

This is the money that park users gave for park food, and that was then in turn used to fund the following things outside of the city budget:

  • Materials and supplies: $19,972 (This ranges from first aid supplies, paint and game pieces, to appliance repair and kitchen cupboards and fridge for the zamboni kitchen renovations. It also includes some items that are re-sold, such as swim diapers and hockey pucks.)
  • contracts for extra workers to try new things in the park: $22,526.06
  • contracts for researching broader park and public space issues: $14,508.55
  • park web site management: $10,946.49
  • groceries: $57,567.30
  • building the cob courtyard: $4,984.50

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