friends of dufferin grove park
City Playgrounds, 1999, Summaries

City Summary Documents, Playground Recommendations, 1999

posted December 14, 2004

We have obtained 1999 pictures of city playgrounds and recommendations for modifications from the City of Toronto. For the detailed list, see City Playgrounds 1999. This page lists the summary reports that were provided to us by the City, and summarizes some of that information.

As with the detailed recommendations, these reports are neither dated nor attributed. The reports list estimates for the repairs, but no estimates for the replacements. Many of the estimates in the summary reports bear a striking symmetry.

The wards listed in the 1999 Ward column are from 1999 when the documents were generated.

The documents listed in the Priorities Documents column list the playgrounds to be replaced with no cost estimate, and the playgrounds to be repaired with a cost estimate for that. All playgounds are listed in a numbered order which presumably represents the priority order in which changes were to take place.

The Repair Estimate column lists total amounts from the repair section of the Priorities documents, and the number of playgrounds to be repaired in parentheses.

The Number of playgrounds to replace column lists the number taken from the Priorities document for the ward. The Total Playgrounds is the sum of the number to repair and the number to replace.

The Recommendation Summaries Documents column lists documents which appear to be summaries of the detailed recommendation documents presented on the detailed list page (see City Playgrounds 1999)

Summaries of the ward recommendation summaries are in the Summary documents in each Region header, and in the City Summary document in the header of the Total section at the bottom.

Table of Summary Information

1999 Ward Priorities
Repair Estimate
(number of playgrounds
to repair)
Number of
to replace
North Summary: WARDSUM_NORTH.doc

Region: North

Ward 6 P_WARD-6.doc $114,787.25 (32) 2 34 WARD06S.doc
Ward 7 P_WARD-7.doc $69,069.00 (20) 3 23 WARD07S.doc
Ward 8 P_WARD-8.doc $146,268.50 (31) 1 32 WARD08S.doc
Ward 9 P_WARD-9.doc $103,988.75 (21) 4 25 WARD09S.doc
Ward 10 P_WARD-10.doc $227,601.10 (33) 3 36 WARD10S.doc
Ward 11 P_WARD-11.doc $121,480.25 (21) 2 23 WARD11S.doc
Ward 12 P_WARD-12.doc $208,771.00 (36) 3 39 WARD12S.doc
Totals $991,965.85 (194) 18 212
South Summary: WARDSUM_SOUTH.doc

Region: South

Ward 19 P_WARD-19.doc $85,634.75 (25) 3 28 WARD19S.doc
Ward 20 P_WARD-20.doc $48,760.00 (13) 2 15 WARD20S.doc
Ward 21 P_WARD-21.doc $83,562.45 (26) 3 29 WARD21S.doc
Ward 22 P_WARD-22.doc $33,643.25 (8) 1 9 WARD22S.doc
Ward 23 P_WARD-23.doc $33,488.00 (18) 4 22 WARD23S.doc
Ward 24 P_WARD-24.doc $133,796.75 (31) 3 34 WARD24S.doc
Ward 25 P_WARD-25.doc $72,657.00 (21) 6 27 WARD25S.doc
Ward 26 P_WARD-26.doc $74,888.00 (18) 5 23 WARD26S.doc
Totals $532,942.20 (160) 27 187
East Summary: WARDSUM_EAST.doc

Region: East

Ward 1 P_WARD-1.doc $125,965.25 (21) 3 24 WARD01S.doc
Ward 13 P_WARD-13.doc $151,616.00 (31) 0 31 WARD13S.doc
Ward 14 P_WARD-14.doc $71,457.55 (17) 0 17 WARD14S.doc
Ward 15 P_WARD-15.doc $137,361.75 (30) 0 30 WARD15S.doc
Ward 16 P_WARD-16.doc $120,554.50 (26) 0 26 WARD16S.doc
Ward 17 P_WARD-17.doc $114,913.75 (22) 0 22 WARD17S.doc
Ward 18 P_WARD-18.doc $207,057.50 (35) 0 35 WARD18S.doc
Totals $928,926.30 (182) 3 185
West Summary: WARDSUM_WEST.doc

Region: West

Ward 2 P_WARD-2.doc $138,609.50 (41) 0 41 WARD02S.doc
Ward 3 P_WARD-3.doc $117,662.25 (31) 0 31 WARD03S.doc
Ward 4 P_WARD-4.doc $134,504.00 (39) 1 40 WARD04S.doc
Ward 5 P_WARD-5.doc $131,025.25 (32) 0 32 WARD05S.doc
Ward 27 P_WARD-27.doc $107,588.25 (34) 1 35 WARD27S.doc
Ward 28 P_WARD-28.doc $42,205.00 (16) 0 16 WARD28S.doc
Totals $671,594.25 (193) 2 195
City Summary: CITYSUM.doc


Totals $3,125,428.60 (729) 50 779