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< January 2-2014 | Notes Library | January 16-2014 >

Weekly Market Notes for January 09, 2014

Hello Market Friends:

Last week's subscriber version of the market news* featured a photo of Sandra and Tamas Dombi's reassuringly large winter woodpile, but in fact, it has been a brutal season at Kind Organics. This week Tamas sent some photos showing the greenhouse which the ice storm took out, and explained how they had to slash the plastic covers on others to save the frames from collapsing. Then he wrote, "The disasters continued with the last major snow fall, another greenhouse is severely damaged. Heating at night is a major challenge consuming my sleep-less nights."

Not far away at Country Meadows, Angelos and Linda suffered serious greenhouse damage as well. Ted Thorpe says it sounded like a night of gunshots going off all around his house as tree branches came crashing down in the storm, so he has a tremendous amount of cleanup work ahead. He has had so many equipment freeze-ups and breakdowns that he couldn't make it to market last week, but will be in this time. And 'down south' at Shared Harvest, Kevin Hamilton returned from a visit to Sandra's family in Germany to find such thick sheet ice that he blew a tractor tire just trying to make the driveway passable.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, these are our farmers, and we're in this together. With steady support, they will all bounce back, but let's make sure every trip they make to market for us generates enough in sales to help chip away at repair and cleanup costs. It's going to be a balmy minus 5 in Toronto, so come and shop! Here's a happier story:

"Hello and Happy New Year from Knuckle Down Farm. Some of you may have heard the rumours but I am happy to officially announce that we bought a farm! I look forward to bringing you vegetables from our own little property near Stirling Ontario this coming spring. Until then keep warm." Jenny Cook

Sosnickis are away this week, but Shared Harvest returns with winter classics: daikon, watermelon radishes, leeks, celeriac, rutabaga, and kohlrabi, as well as healthy ferments: kimchi and sauerkraut. Ted will bring carrots, potatoes, cabbage and whatever additional produce he can find to keep us cheerful.Here's the full list of who's coming:

Vendors at the market this week:

  • DeFloured (gluten-free baking),
  • Field Sparrow (pastured meats),
  • Kind Organics (sprouts, kombuchas, excellent new teas--in teabags!),
  • Ali Harris (rotis and fritters),
  • Chocosol (coffee and chocolate),
  • Ted Thorpe (veggies),
  • Beretta Farms (organic and naturally raised meats),
  • Bees Universe (honey and bee products),
  • Spade & Spoon (formerly Growing Spaces: jams, pickles, soups),
  • Shared Harvest (veggies),
  • Ying Ying Soy (tofus and miso), and our very own
  • Dufferin Park Bakers (wood-fired oven breads, soups,and snacks).

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

  • If you want the news delivered to your inbox--with photos!--you can sign up on the market info page here, or write to me at market (at)

hosted by | powered by pmwiki-2.2.83. Content last modified on January 09, 2014, at 02:20 PM EST