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P,F & R Management contacts:

posted July 12, 2007

Surprisingly, there is no single staff person within Parks, Forestry and Recreation who is responsible for Dufferin Grove Park. As of the recent Department re-organization, responsibility for the park is highly fragmented.

In general, all Divisions of the Department are involved in some way:

  • Community Recreation: instructional skating, pleasure skating, pools (including wading pools), recreation program registration, and facility and park permitting (see details)
  • Divisional Co-ordination & Community Engagement: community engagement, Neighbourhood Teams, Volunteer Development (see details)
  • Management Services: finance, staffing for seasonal and part-time workforce (see details)
  • Parks: all aspects of parks maintenance, sports field maintenance and horticulture, Children’s and Community Gardens, Waste Reduction and Diversion, By-law Enforcement (see details)
  • Parks Development & Infrastructure Management: planning, design and development of the Division’s green spaces, facilities and amenities, parks and open space design, pathways and trails, pools and water play areas (see details)
  • Strategic Services: concessions, leases and agreements, partnership development (see details)
  • Urban Forestry: tree planting in city parks (see details)

The people we currently see the most are Tino DeCastro (Recreation Supervisor) and Peter Leiss (Parks Supervisor). The Dufferin Grove Park staff report to any Supervisor who has jurisdiction over the activity in question.

The following material is taken from the city directory for Parks Forestry & Recreation

Parks, Forestry and Recreation:

Parks, Forestry & Recreation contributes to Toronto's quality of life through stewardship of the environment; by promoting and enhancing the social and physical development of children and youth; and by leading the way to lifelong active living for residents of Toronto through a wide variety of leisure and recreational opportunities that welcome everyone. The division is also responsible for community development, parks, horticulture and forestry programs, park and open space planning and environmental initiatives. The division manages and maintains facilities and operates specialized services, including the ferries, golf courses, waterfront and regional parks systems.

General Manager Brenda Librecz ......................................392-8182

Community Recreation

The Community Recreation Branch provides recreation programs and services to Toronto residents. Examples of programs include fitness, instructional skating, pleasure skating, camps, sports, aquatics, arts, skiing and local community recreation.

The Customer Service section is responsible for recreation program registration, and facility and park permitting. The unit also assists with customer account inquiries.

Don Boyle .............................................392-7252


Anne Jackson.........................................395-6191

Toronto & East York District

Nikki Chapman......................................396-2877
Gary Sanger...........................................396-2884

Community Recreation – Toronto & East York District

Constanza Allevato................................................395-6190

Tino DeCastro (

Customer Service

Mark Lawson (Acting) ..........................392-1902

Toronto & East York District

Pam Jackson...................392-3359 (permits)

Standards & Innovation

Sharon Waddingham .............................396-5162

Program Standards & Development Officers

Matt Bentley..........................................396-7424
Sandra Ceolin-Celestini.........................394-5815
Vivian Magi-Thomson ..........................396-4155
Heather Stender .....................................395-7415
Carlotta Thomas ....................................395-6031

Divisional Co-ordination & Community Engagement

Divisional Coordination and Community Engagement provides policy, administrative and report coordination, community engagement and access and diversity functions for the divisions. Some specific responsibilities of this branch include Parks, Forestry and Recreation Neighbourhood Teams, Division-wide Volunteer Development, Citywide Advisory Councils, Homelessness issues, working with Toronto’s designated groups including Persons with Disability, Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, Transgender, Transsexual, and Two-spirited residents, ethno-racial groups and women, support for policy development, maintenance of the Division’s policy site and Council and Committee Reporting cycle.

Kathy Wiele...........................................392-8184

Service Improvement and Co-ordination

Diane Stevenson....................................392-0098

Access & Diversity

Ken Jeffers.............................................392-7019

Community Capacity Building

Rick Gosling..........................................395-6475

Community Engagement

Lucy Stern .............................................392-0460

Operations Support Officers

Sabrina Buson........................................392-1530
Michael Ellison......................................392-3494
Tina Ferreira (Acting)............................392-2473

Program Standards & Development Officers

Fay Grange ............................................392-0436
Susan Lewis...........................................338-5060
Susan Smith...........................................392-1528

Parks Ambassador
Troy Ford...............................................392-6779

Management Services

The Management Services Branch provides financial planning, financial control, accounting, staff support, labor relations, operational compliance and systems support to all branches in the Division. Some of the key functions include finance, complement control, payroll, staffing for seasonal and part-time workforce, planning and reporting, operating procedures, policy development and compliance.

Ann Ulusoy............................................392-8190


Peter Lam ..............................................395-0364

Management Services (Community Recreation)

Brian Philip............................................392-1770

Management Services (Forestry)

Management Services Coordinator
Beth Sangster.........................................394-6023

Management Services (Parks)

Wendy St. Cyr .......................................396-4192

Management Services (PDIM)

Allan Graham ........................................394-8524

Management Services (Strategic Services, DC&CE and Management Services)

Management Services Coordinator
Donna Kovachis ....................................397-5341

Staff Support

Bob Clark ..............................................394-5460

Toronto & East York District

Staff Support Supervisor
Recruitment Co-ordinator
Diane Ellison .........................................392-1946
Training Co-ordinator
Payroll Program Assistant
Nancy Angamarca .................................392-1987


Senior Budget Analyst
Stephen Graham....................................397-5348

Toronto & East York District

Finance Supervisor
Laurie Owens (Acting) ..........................392-1883

Finance Representative
Hylene Groisback ..................................338-5628
Finance Representative
Leonara Ramos......................................338-5783


The Parks Branch is involved in all aspects of parks maintenance, sports field maintenance and horticulture. Parks Branch also is responsible for special features such as Toronto Waterfront Park development, Children’s and Community Gardens, Toronto’s Urban Farm and Stadiums. The Parks Branch plays a key role on city-wide initiatives such as Clean City Beautiful City, Waste Reduction and Diversion, Waterfront Maintenance, Ravine and Watercourse Management, and By-law Enforcement.

Paul Ronan ............................................396-4490

Community Gardens and Urban Farm (City-Wide)

Program Standards & Development Officer
Solomon Boye .......................................392-7800

Parks - Toronto & East York District and Bylaw Enforcement Unit

Sandy Straw...........................................392-1909

Peter Leiss (Wards 14,18,19) (

Parks By-Law

Moses Cabral.........................................392-0045

Parks Renaissance & Special Projects

Leslie Coates ........................................392-1885

Standards & Innovation

Carol Cormier........................................392-8147

Parks Development & Infrastructure Management

The Parks Development & Infrastructure Management Branch (PD&IM) is responsible for the planning, design and development of the Division’s green spaces, facilities and amenities. These assets, worth several billion dollars, include parks and open space design, pathways and trails, pools and water play areas, arenas, community centres, and streetscapes. This Branch is comprised of the following sections:

  • Facilities Management
  • Property Management & Maintenance Services
  • Planning, Design & Development
  • Construction Management & Capital Projects
  • Work Management System & 311

Anne Marra............................................394-5723

Construction Management/Capital Projects

Michael Schreiner (Acting) ...................392-8453

Facilities Management - West (Wards 1 to 21)

Carmen Cogliano...................................394-5758

Management Services

Allan Graham ........................................394-8524

Planning, Design & Development

Gary Short (Acting)...............................392-7438

Property Management & Maintenance Services

Gord Andrews .......................................395-7993

Work Order Management

Work Order Project Managers
Marson Mao ..........................................395-0212
Ilana Marich ..........................................395-0210

Strategic Services

Strategic Services provides leadership, vision and direction that is linked to the City’s service priorities to the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division. This Branch provides support to the operating branches through business services (concessions, leases and agreements), strategic and service planning, and partnership development and provides direct public service by operating golf courses, Toronto Islands and the marine service (the Enterprise services).

Neil R. Zaph ..........................................395-6065

Business Services

Doug McDonald ....................................392-8578

Enterprise Services

Golf courses, the ski hill, and the island.

James Dann............................................392-1122

Partnership Development

Rob Richardson .....................................392-9861

Parks & Trees Foundation

Arthur Beauregard.................................392-0724

Strategic & Service Planning

Brian Rutherford....................................392-8179

Urban Forestry

The Forestry Branch provides the essential services needed to protect, maintain and enhance the existing urban forest. Service areas include: Forestry Operations, Tree Protection & Plan Review, Forest & Natural Environment Management, and Forestry Operations response to the Asian Long-horned Beetle.

Key public services of the Forestry Branch include requests for servicing trees on city property, administration of tree bylaws, tree planting on city parks and streets, public planting events, management of ravines.

Richard Ubbens .....................................392-1894

Forest & Natural Environment Management

Beth McEwen........................................397-4006

Forestry Operations/Asian Long-Horned Beetle

Jason Doyle (Disco Yard) .....................338-1178

Forestry Operations – Etobicoke York / Toronto & East York Districts

Toronto & East York District

Dean Hart (Kipling Yard).....................394-8549

Tree Protection & Plan Review

Mark Procunier......................................392-7384

Toronto & East York District

Mark Ventresca (Booth Yard) ...............392-7390

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