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< March 8-2012 | Notes Library | March 29-2012 >

Weekly Market Notes for March 22, 2012

Hello Market Friends:

Spring has indeed sprung, but our news is mixed.

Debbie Wiecha of Niagara Lavender wrote this week , "With this warm weather I feel like I should be picking some raspberries or peaches...this is too warm for the buds...this warm weather is pushing things too fast for this time of year...but oh well that is farming...."

On the other hand, great news from the Sosnickis: "Update...our strawberry patch is incredible! We did A LOT of work last year planting and caring for them (particularly irrigation during the drought.) Lost a few plants but have about 3 times as much as in previous years!!" Corey our market helper from the summer took his March break from school to help us in the greenhouses! He's learned to seed onions, water everything, fill lots of trays with soil etc, etc. Kales, Chards, Onions, Lettuces (early tomatoes of course) are already up and growing nicely with these temps! Ben and Toshimi will have the usual while I stay on farm and grow, grow, grow!!" Jess

Kind Organics news: "We will have lots of different salad greens coming to market. We will have 3 different salad blends and kale and chickweed. Plus, of course, sprouts and kombucha!!" Sandra Dombi

"So sad not to be coming to Dufferin Grove this week as we are at Canada Blooms. Back with heart next week." Colette of Urban Harvest

I'm sure you've heard of the possible strike or lockout of CUPE Local 79 that looms this weekend or shortly thereafter: "Dufferin park Local 79 members will have a little table at the market if you have a question or want some information about the labour situation and how it affects Dufferin Grove programs, staff and the market. We would love to chat. Tell your councillor and the mayor if you want to keep things running. <>

Please keep an eye out for emails regarding what's happening with the market if there is a labour disruption. We'll try to keep you posted.

See you at the market!

Anne Freeman

P.S. Seedy Saturday is on in Parkdale this weekend!

Saturday, March 24th, 11am to 4pm
Masaryk-Cowan Community Centre, 220 Cowan Ave
Greenest City, the West End Food Co-op, Parkdale CHC, Stonegate CHC, Queen West CHC and the City of Toronto are all ‘seeding together’ to host our very own Seedy Saturday event to kick off the 2012 garden season. Local gardeners will have the chance to come together to share tea and to participate in a seed exchange and gardening workshops. Child and youth activities will also be available along with unique seed sellers and tasty local treats for sale.

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