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Request from park staff Mayssan Shuja, May 31, 2006:

Hello Tino,

Today you will receive Special Event Permit Applications for the following:

22 Toes – Lisa Pijuan-Manura June 23-24th
Clay and Paper
June 18 – Day of Delight
July 21-August 21 - Luís de Camões Theater Festival

Food to be supplied by Parks & Rec/ Celos. These events are sponsored by Dufferin Park – Parks and Recreation (as per our agreement. Some are sooner than the 6 week timeline because of prior confusion on who has to fill out permits and where they go. These are being submitted to you. As I understand – there will be no permit issued because they are in collaboration with the city.

Response from Tino, June 1, 2006

Permits will still need to be issued. Just becasuse we sponor does not waive the need for a permit. Lets work on that six week time frame please. I will see what I can do...David Anderson knows the permit guidelines.

Response from Jutta June 1, 2006

It is not the fault of the rec staff if people don't give six weeks' notice for their events. Rather than have the staff keep everyone in uncertainty, or simply tell these people that their events are off, I would like to request a meeting with you and your manager and several park friends, plus the lead Dufferin Park staff.

If Councillor Giambrone wishes to be involved too, it would be good if he sent one of his staff. It would make sense, because your e-mail below (my red italics) suggests a drastic change in approach from last year and indeed, from the last ten years. It dismantles the "open park" that has been built up here.

The question I would like to consider at this meeting is, what is the purpose of city staff? Is it to service the timelines of computer programs (CLASS), or is it to help make public space lively and beautiful, in collaboration with the taxpayers?

Please let me know when this meeting can be set up.

Response from Tino June 1, 2006

I would be more than Happy to meet with you and some of the Park friends to go through the proper procedure in applying for a special event permit. These events usually mean, All events that need/or include the following should fill out a special event permit; -large gathering of people (50 or more) -sound amplification -selling of food or drinks -use of Tents -fund-raising activities Otherwise the group should be applying for a picnic permit that does not require a six week time frame.

And the purpose of city staff is to, help make public space lively and beautiful, in collaboration with all interested taxpayers, and I would add ensuring that these activities are safe and welcoming to all....CLASS is a tool we use to ensure that we do this, and follow direction set by City Council.

Contribution from Jaime McCaig, Permits supervisor, June 1, 2006

Good evening David, I wanted to follow-up with you in regards to your Special Event application I received today from Tino Decastro for your June 10 and 11, June 18 , July 21st to August 21st/2006.

For all of our Special Events we require a minimum notice of 6 weeks as stated on the application form. I certainly realize you have done events with us in the past so can appreciate the necessary time frames needed to process the necessary paperwork.

The June 10th, 11th and June 18th are too short notice and as well the June 10th and June 18th dates are not available as there are Special Events already booked to take place in Dufferin Grove.

I will look at processing your July 21st to August 21st request. Could you please advise if this is a daily or weekly request between the July and August time frames so I can calculate the fees. The other item you will be responsible for is Insurance Coverage. If you need to obtain an Insurance Quote please let me know and I can have a form sent electronically to you to fill out and return to us to obtain a quote from Marsh Canada.

Thanks Jaime

Response from Jutta, June 1, 2006

The requirement that every park event of over 50 people has to give six weeks' notice is undermining Dufferin Grove Park and the people who want to contribute their talents to public space. This CLASS requirement does not have anything to do with "ensuring that activities are safe and open to all." I doubt that City Council required a six-week lead-up to all events of over 50 people. In this case, CLASS is a tool for preventing good things from happening.

I am very unhappy about your response to my request to meet with you and your manager. Please do not simply repeat the formula again: "this is how we do things and I will show you how to do what we say."

In the interim, I will let proposers of park events know that if they can't give six weeks' notice to CLASS and the by-law enforcement officer gives them a ticket for singing/ dancing/ showing films/ etc. without a permit, we will take up a collection throughout the park to pay their ticket. It will make an interesting news story too.

Why force us into this position?

Response from Kelvin Seouw, June 1, 2006

I'm the new Recreation manager for the Toronto/East York district. My actual first day was May 6th. I've visited the park last fall and met you at Council a couple of months back. I've asked Tino to set a meeting with you to go over your concerns and look for options and potential solutions. I agree that we should not be slaves to administrative systems. However, our staff are under tight scrutiny because of the need to be transparent; accountable based on the requirements of the Auditor; and requirements to report on Performance measures. I think it's important that as staff we represent the communities we work with first and then try to work in the systems that are asked of us. If there is a conflict we should be escalating the issue and pointing out why the system doesn't work for the community...not defend the system. It's a balance we're striving for and it's important to hear if the bureaucratic needs are restricting our ability to deliver service. I'm not that familiar with the CLASS system and will be asking the Manager responsible for registration to join us at our meeting.

Response from Tino June 1, 2006

Jutta the six weeks has nothing to do with CLASS but rather all other issues such as public health, equipment delivery, tents and staking, selling of food etc. So as of this moment we are by-passing all these requirements that ensure the safety of all and the Liability to the city. As per Kelvin's email, let me know so dates so I can co-ordinate a meeting.

Response from David Anderson, June 1, 2006

It's with great interest that I have been following the controversy of permitting in parks, and it brings back memories of my experiences about permits over the years. I have been performing in public space since 1969, so probably qualify as the oldest proponent of the importance of this kind of work in Canada. I moved to Toronto in 1975 from Vancouver and established, performed and directed the Whole Loaf Theatre with my partner at the time. In the summer of 1978 Whole Loaf Theatre became a cause celebre because of a controversy in Yorkville which ultimately forbade us from performing in the Yorkville location. I had performed for years with a company in Vancouver, so I made contact with sympathetic city councillors , including John Sewell, Alan Sparrow and Barbara Hall, who negotiated a special dispensation for Whole Loaf Theatre and for two years a special act of city council gave Whole Loaf Theatre permission to perform in High Park and to solicit and receive money for our endeavours. Quite rightly, city council soon tired of passing a special resolution for our company, and instead instituted a simple permit procedure. I think I can therefore rightly claim to having been instrumental in changing a law which up till then forbade public performance for remuneration in public space.

As you are no doubt aware, Dufferin Grove Park is known across the city, and even across the continent, as a source of inspiration of what can be done when local citizens begin to understand the importance of molding their own community. During the years Clay and Paper has been resident in Dufferin Grove Park I have seen it become more and more alive with new people and new activities. I'm pleased that you acknowledge the importance of responding to our needs. I look forward to meeting you.

Additional comment from Jutta, June 5, 2006

I'm glad that the permit meeting at the park with Kelvin Seouw is confirmed for solstice. One of the weekend picnics told me on Sunday that when they arranged for their picnic permit, they were told they couldn't have both a picnic and a campfire. When they said they already had the campfire permit, they were told that a by-law enforcement officer would give them a ticket if they lit the fire.

I am assuming this was a misunderstanding on someone's part, but the clarifications to be developed in the upcoming meeting are certainly necessary. Until then, could you request permits to issue no further warnings of that kind?

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