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Before uploading pictures, please pre-process them with Irfanview. Half page width pictures should be 300px (pixels) wide; smaller floating pictures should be between 120px and 240px wide. Pictures should be saved at 70% quality, and should typically be no larger than 20KB (occasionally up to 50KB or 60KB for a large or complex picture). The odd page wide picture can be 600px wide.

1. Use the "Browse" button above to find the "File to upload" on your local computer.

2. For the "Name upload as:" field, enter the name you prefer the file to have once it has been uploaded to the site. This can be the same as its filename on your source disk or it can be different, but make sure it has the correct file extension.

3. Press "Upload" to upload the file.

4. To refer to a picture or document from this group within a wiki page, simply enter a reference in the page text using the pattern WikiFieldName-Uploads:GroupName/filename.ext, which is in this case -Uploads:Site/filename.ext.

5. After uploading, you can

Existing uploads

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    Page last modified on March 22, 2008, at 05:48 PM EST