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Nov.23 CELOS Park bulletin

Dear park friends,

City staff say that there's $4 million budgeted for "revitalizing" (i.e. fixing up) Dufferin Grove Park. Great news.

If you like the idea of using the $4 million budgeted for this park to fix up problems all over the park, not only in the Northwest Corner, this is a good time to speak up.

Park users have been asking for decades to have a clean washroom building nearer the playground, but we were always told it's too expensive. Now we can afford it. Same with paving the muddy-or-crumbling-asphalt-or-bumpy-wood-chips paths in the park so that they give smooth access for wheels (strollers, wheelchairs, bikes). Same with the rest of this list. DTAH (architects) have a contract for Dufferin Grove with the city already. They also have an excellent reputation -- they could help make it work.

Councillor Ana Bailao told me today that she thinks it would be a very good idea to use the $4 million for the whole park. After all, Dufferin Grove became known as a "community centre without walls" -- so much happens outdoors, under the sky, not in a building.

Now is the first practical chance to speak up if you feel the fixes should be applied to the whole park, not just the NW corner. Spread the word to you neighbour, your kids, your grandmother, your computer contacts. Email Councillor Bailao if you like:

FYI: The next "community resource group" meeting is this Wednesday Nov.28, 7 to 9 pm at St.Wenceslaus Church Hall at 496 Gladstone. Even people who are not group members are welcome to sit and watch. Councillor Bailao says she's coming.

P.s. no park tour this Saturday. And the rink may not open for a week or as long a a month. That's a puzzle: more info here.


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