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Trees page 3

Dufferin Grove trees, spring and summer 2018

(see also: gardens and trees history}

During the first half of the 1990's there was very little tree planting done by the city, so most new trees from that time were planted by park friends from the neighbourhood. Since 2004, city Forestry staff have planted many new trees in the park, including a dozen or so memorial trees, with community plantings continuing until 2015 as well.

Sand garden (near bigger bake oven)

history: constructing the sand garden, 1996

Invasive tree of heaven behind wild roses

Park friend Gene Threndyle made this garden. He bought the stones and the plants with a Canada Trust Friends of the Environment that we got in 1995. He also got donated stone faces and friezes from a downtown demolition of an old building.


juniper berries in sand garden, July 2018

Eastern Red Cedar is actually a type of juniper, which is why it has the juniper berries.

chokecherries in sand garden, June 2018

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